Memorization of Selected Surahs - ILMULQuran
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Memorization of Selected Surahs

Memorization of Selected Surahs is a unique course offered by ilmulQuran. We designed this course for the students who want to memorize the Quran but can’t accomplish this goal due to time issue, busy routine, or  whatever reason. In this course, you will learn how to memorize some of the most important and beautiful surahs in the Quran. Also you will learn how to memorize these surahs with ease and accuracy. You will also learn about their meanings, contexts, and themes. You will also discover the secrets, miracles, and lessons that these surahs contain for your life. 

Surah memorization Program

These surahs have many virtues and benefits for those who recite them regularly. They will help you increase your faith, knowledge, and wisdom. They will also protect you from evil, harm, and calamities. They will also grant you peace, happiness, and prosperity in this world and the next.

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Recite these surahs fluently and confidently
  • Understand the main messages and lessons of these surahs
  • Appreciate the beauty, eloquence, and power of these surahs
  • Apply these surahs to your daily life and challenges
  • Share these surahs with others and inspire them
  • This course is suitable for anyone who wants to memorize these surahs, whether you are a beginner or an advanced learner. You will have access to:

Clear and simple explanations of each verse in English

  • Interactive quizzes and exercises to test your memory and understanding
  • Tips and tricks to improve your memorization skills and retention
  • Feedback and support from our instructors.

This course include Surahs on student’s demand as well as some basic surahs such as: 

  • Surah Yaseen
  • Surah Al Mulk
  • Surah Waqiah
  • Surah Muzammil
  • Surah Rehman
  • Surah Al Kahf
  • Last 20 Surahs of Juzz 30
  • The surahs you want to memorize
Surah Yaseen Memorization


Surah Yasin, the 36th chapter of the Quran consisting of 83 verses. It is one of the most recited & revered surahs in the Quran. This surah has many virtues and benefits for those who recite it. In this course, you will learn how to memorize Surah Yasin with ease and accuracy. You will also learn about the meaning, context, and themes of this surah, as well as its relation to other surahs in the Quran. This course is suitable for anyone who wants to memorize Surah Yasin, whether you are a beginner or an advanced learner Prophet (S.A.A.W) said about the virtues of Surah Yaseen: “It takes away from its reader all afflictions and fulfills his need. Whoever recites it, it will be made equal to twenty pilgrimages. Whoever shall listen to it, it will be as thousand dinars, which he has given as charity in the path of Allah. And whoever shall write it and then drink it, it will enter into his heart a thousand cures, a thousand radiant lights, a thousand times more increase in belief, a thousand mercies, a thousand blessings, a thousand times more increase in guidance, and will remove from him all gall and disease.” (Tirmidhi) Memorization of Surah Yasin is necessary so one could recite it anytime as it brings the goodness of both world for us! Get Register and start memorizing Surah Yaseen with us now.

Memorization of Surah Mulk


Do you want to memorize Surah Mulk, the 67th chapter of the Quran, and benefit from its blessings and protection? Or want to learn the meaning and tafsir of it and apply its lessons to your life? Do you want to improve your recitation and pronunciation of the Arabic words and verses? If yes then you can join this course. In this course, you will learn how to memorize Surah Mulk in a simple and effective way, You will also learn the translation and explanation of each verse, as well as the context and background of the surah. Moreover, you will practice your recitation and pronunciation with the guidance of a qualified instructor. The Prophet Muhammad PBUH said, “There is a Surah in the Quran which is only thirty verses. It defended whoever recited it , until it puts him into paradise i.e. Surah al Mulk” [Fath al Qadir 5/257, Sahihul Jamiea 1/680, Tabrani in Al-Awsat & Ibn Mardawaith] It was narrated that Abdullah ibn Mas’ood said: Whoever reads Surah al-Mulk every night, Allah will protect him from the torment of the grave. This course is suitable for anyone who wants to memorize Surah Mulk, regardless of their age, level, or background. Don't miss this opportunity to enrich your knowledge and faith with this amazing surah. Enroll now and start your journey of memorizing Surah Mulk today!


Surah Waqiah, the 56th chapter of the Quran consisting of 96 verses. This surah has many virtues and benefits for those who recite it. If you want to memorize this surah along with learning its meaning and tafsir then you can join our Memorization of Surah Waqiah Course. In this course, you will learn how to memorize Surah Waqiah with ease and accuracy. You will also learn about the meaning, context, and themes of this surah, as well as its relation to other surahs in the Quran. This course is suitable for anyone who wants to memorize Surah Waqiah, whether you are a beginner or an advanced learner. Prophet (S.A.A.W) said about the virtues of Surah Waqiah: “Whoever recites Surah Waqiah at night will never encounter poverty” (Ibn Sunni 620). Another hadith from our Prophet (S.A.A.W) said, “Surah Waqiah is the Surah of Wealth, so recite it and teach it to your children” (Ibn Asakir). And Ibn Masood (rz) used to order his daughters to read it every night.”  (Shu’ab al-Iman 4/120, number 2269). Memorization of Surah Waqiah is necessary so one could recite it anytime as it brings the goodness of both world for us! Also the best time to recite the Surah Waqiah is in the night, after isha prayer. Get Register and start memorizing Surah Waqiah with us now.

Memorization of Surah Muzammil


Surah Muzammil, the 73rd chapter of the Quran consisting of 20 verses. It is one of the most recited & revered surahs in the Quran. This surah has many virtues and benefits for those who recite it. It was revealed in Mecca & it addresses the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) as well as the believers. The surah teaches us about the importance of prayer, especially at night, & the benefits of reciting the Quran. It also warns us about the Day of Judgment & the fate of the disbelievers. In this course, you will learn how to memorize Surah Muzammil with ease & accuracy. You will also learn about the meaning, context, and themes of this surah, as well as its relation to other surahs in the Quran. This course is suitable for anyone who wants to memorize Surah Muzammil, whether you are a beginner or an advanced learner. Memorization of Surah Muzammil is necessary so one could recite it anytime as it brings the goodness of both world for us! If you are ready to start your journey of memorizing Surah Muzammil, enroll in this course today. You can also check out our other courses on memorizing different surahs of the Quran, such as Surah Al-Mulk, Surah Al-Kahf, Surah Yaseen, Surah Rehman or the one you want to memorize. We hope you enjoy this course & benefit from it greatly. May Allah bless you & increase you in knowledge and faith.


Surah Rahman is the 55th surah of the Quran, consisting of 78 verses. It was revealed in Medina and it addresses the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) as well as the whole of humanity. The surah praises Allah as the Most Merciful and the Most Generous, and invites us to reflect on His countless blessings and favors. It also warns us about the Day of Resurrection and the consequences of our actions. It ends with a beautiful description of Paradise and Hell, and a call to worship Allah alone. In this course, you will learn how to memorize Surah Rehman with ease and accuracy. You will also learn about the meaning, context, and themes of this surah, as well as its relation to other surahs in the Quran. This course is suitable for anyone who wants to memorize Surah Rahman, whether you are a beginner or an advanced learner Abdullah Ibn Mas’ud narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) said: “Everything has an adornment, and the adornment of the Quran is Surah Ar Rahman.” Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) said that a person who recited Surah al-Rahman and died is considered a martyr. If you are ready to start your journey of memorizing Surah Rehman, enroll in this course today. You can also check out our other courses on memorizing different surahs of the Quran, such as Surah Al-Mulk], Surah Kahf, Surah YaSin etc. We hope you enjoy this course and benefit from it greatly. May Allah bless you and increase you in knowledge and faith.

Memorization of Surah Kahf


Surah Al Kahf, the 18th chapter of the Quran consisting of 110 verses. It is one of the most recited & revered surahs in the Quran. This surah has many virtues and benefits for those who recite it. In this course, you will learn how to memorize Surah Al Kahf with ease and accuracy. You will also learn about the meaning, context, and themes of this surah, as well as its relation to other surahs in the Quran. This course is suitable for anyone who wants to memorize Surah Al Kahf, whether you are a beginner or an advanced learner Ibn ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: ‘Whoever reads Surat al-Kahf on the day of Jumu’ah, a light will shine for him from beneath his feet to the clouds of the sky, which will shine for him on the Day of Resurrection, and he will be forgiven (his sins) between the two Fridays.’” Memorization of Surah Yasin is necessary so one could recite it anytime as it brings the goodness of both world for us! Get Register and start memorizing Surah Yaseen with us now. The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Whosoever preserves ten verses from the beginning of surah al-Kahf is protected from the the trial of al-Dajjal”. If you are ready to start your journey of memorizing Surah Al Kahf, enroll in this course today. We hope you enjoy this course and benefit from it greatly. May Allah bless you and increase you in knowledge and faith.

To join this course, fill out our registration form now! At the end of the course you will get a certificate too. 

What People Say

Quran Classes Reviews

Sister Samira Mia - UK

Student of last Batch

I have always wanted to memorize Surah Rahman, but I did not know where to start. I found this online course by ilmulQuran very helpful and easy to follow. The teacher was very patient and knowledgeable, and she explained the meaning and the rules of recitation in a clear way. She also gave me homework and quizzes to test my progress and correct my mistakes. I was able to memorize Surah Rahman in a few weeks, alhamdulillah. I would recommend this course to anyone who wants to learn and memorize Surah Rahman in a short time.

IlmuQuran Reviews

Father of Bilal - KSA

Bilal - Student of last Batch

Amazing experience so far!! Alhamdulillah my son Bilal has completed Quran Tajweed classes from this institution so I wanted him to join memorization classes but it was difficult for him along with studies so his teacher suggested us this course and MaShaAllah bilal has memorized complete Surah Yasin and now we are planning to join the Surah Rahman and other surahs InShaAllah,, Highly Recommended!!

Quran Classes Reviews

Sister Fathima - USA

Student of last Batch

Being a mother it was challenging for me to memorize Quran cuz I was unable to join local classes, so I decided to join Online Short memorization course to take first step. My friend told me about this course by ilmulquran, and I thought it is a wonderful opportunity to memorize Last Surahs of Quran so I joined. The teacher was very professional and experienced, and she taught me how to properly read those surahs along with memorizing them. She also gave me feedback and motivation to keep going. In shaa Allah I'll definitely join the next batch too. I would recommend this course to anyone who wants to memorize Selected Surahs online, especially busy mothers.

Brother Hikmat - AUS

Student of last Batch

AssalamuAlaykum! Alhamdulillah, I joined Surah Al Kahf memorization course in the last batch and I must say it was the best decision. I not only memorized it but also understood the meaning. Masha Allah, the respected teacher was very good. He helped me a lot in memorizing and understanding this surah. Jazak Allah Khairan


Want to Memorize Last 20 Surahs of Juzz 30 or any surah of your choice? Let us know