Manners of Visiting Mosque - ILMULQuran

Manners of Visiting Mosque

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Mosque is an important place of worship for Muslims and it is also called house of Allah. There are few manners to follow while visiting mosque. Some of them are as follow:

Important things to follow before going to Mosque:

The some important things that comes in basic manners of visiting Mosque are:

  •  A very first thing is cleanliness, so a person should be neat and clean with proper bodily sanitation while entering in the mosque.
  •  Before going to mosque, A person should make sure that there is no awful smell coming from body or clothes. So, before going to mosque one should avoid eating food which cause bad breadth like garlic and onions.
  • A person should listen adhan (call to prayer) very carefully and reply each and every line of adhan as mentioned in hadith below:

“When you hear the call to prayer, say similar to the Muadhin.”(Muslim and Bukhari)

  •  While going to mosque we should not rush towards mosque, We should Stay calm and patient. Do not try to run to join rakats with Imam. Walk serenely to mosque as our Prophet Muhammad Peace be upon Him told in hadith

“If you hear the call to prayer you should walk to the masjid in a calm, peaceful manner, and do not rush. Whatever you catch (from the prayer), then pray, and whatever you have missed, you should complete it.” (Muslim and Bukhari)

  • We should not take very young kids in mosque as this may cause annoyance and disturbance in mosque.Quran Class Online | Learn Quran Online

Manners we should follow while Entering in the Mosque:

  • While entering, we should put our right feet in and recite the Dua to seek forgiveness and blessings from ALLAH Almighty. Dua is

Dua for Entering mosque

 In English: Allaahum-maf tah lee abwaaba rahmatik.” (Muslim)

Translation: O Allah, Open the gates of your mercy for me. 

  1. If there is time it is advised to offer two congregational rakats which is called Tahiyatul Salah before sitting in mosque. Here is the hadith related to this act:

Let one of you pray two units of prayer when s/he enters a mosque before sitting down!” (Bukhari, Salat, 60)

Manners we should follow in the Mosque: 

  • We should try to come early in mosque and sit in beginning rows of mosque. This will prevent any difficulty from new arrivals.
  • We should not cause disturbance to other Muslims by making any type of noise, talking and running. We should leave space for new arrivals While offering individual prayer and people going out from the mosque.

“When one of you prays, he should stand behind a sutra and he should pray close to it. This is in order to prevent the shaytan from disturbing his prayer.” (Abu Dawud)

  • We should avoid crossing inform of performer of Salah. It may divert the attention of person, who is offering prayer at that time.
  • We should spent time in remembering ALLAH and reading Quran in the Mosque.

“Indeed the Houses of Allah were built for the remembrance of Allah, prayer, and recitation of the Quran.” (Sahih Muslim)

  • We should keep the mosque neat and clean and do not buy or sell in mosque.

Manners we should follow while Leaving Mosque:

  • We should not run in the mosque in view of leaving the mosque. Based on the statement of the Prophet (may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) “When one of you leaves the masjid he should send prayers upon me and say the following  Dua (Supplication) of leaving mosque:

Dua for leaving mosque

 In English: “Allah huma inne Us aluka min fadlik.” 

Translation: “Oh Allah! I ask you for Your blessings”

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